Fall after school clubs

Submitted by sam.mcgrath on

Attention! The fall after school clubs are now in session! Get signed up pronto! The school has provided a great selection of different clubs to join, so make sure to take a look at what clubs there are, because it’s probably a pretty high chance that one of them will peak your interest! Make sure to start signing up fast, with some of them, there are a limited amount of spots available.

Savannah Roylance

Skyhawks vs. Dons

Submitted by sam.mcgrath on

Last Friday was the Salem Skyhawks V.S. Spanish Fork Dons. It was a really good game because they're rivals so it will be a good game no matter what. At the football games the junior high kids hang out and have a really good time with one another. And all the elementary kids play football or boys chase girls and have a good time as well. There’s a snack shack that has really good food, so you don’t have to worry about that. Football games are really important to me because the whole community comes together to a good game of football.

Halle Lyman

8th grade throws themselves into the world of science discovery!

Submitted by sam.mcgrath on

Recently, Mr. Bell’s 8th grade science class began to do their experiments/labs. They studied chemical and physical properties of household ingredients, such as flour, sugar, sodium, etc. They did a variety of tests ranging from seeing how they reacted to peroxide or iodine, to putting them over an open flame and seeing the result. He then gave them a mixture of the substances, and told them to figure out what ingredients were in it.

Savannah Roylance

Shakespeare team goes to Cedar City

Submitted by sam.mcgrath on

The Salem Junior High shakespeare team will be traveling, September 28 to the 30. They’re going to Cedar City. They will miss 2 days of school, and 3 days in total. They will compete in ensemble, monologue, scenes, and tech olympics. They also get to see plays while they are there.

Madeline Fifita

The Amazing Choirs of SaJHS need their uniforms!

Submitted by sam.mcgrath on

Choir uniform fees were due, back to Mr. Guthrie, on Friday 15, for the Chamber Singers, Bella Voce, and Concert Choir. Make sure you turn them in because you want to make sure you have a uniform for the concerts. To turn in your fees, you go to the finance office to pay them, then give Mr. Guthrie the receipt so he knows you paid the amount due.

You need the uniforms because we are getting to the point where we are going to do our first concert on October 17th and we have many more to come.

Ashley Nelson

Girls tennis plays hard against Diamond Fork

Submitted by sam.mcgrath on
Diamond Fork Jr High invaded Spartan country on Tues, Sept 19, but they were repulsed by our varsity and JV tennis teams.  The varsity squad took four of five matches, only dropping the #2 doubles spot.  The JV team swept all five matches.  The coaches say that the girls will have to keep working hard and not let the win get to their heads because stiffer challenges remain, but they are proud of the team and happy with their performance. Match of the day goes to Emilee Nicholls who played very well against a hard hitting opponent in the #2 singles spot.

Cross Country Meet Today

Submitted by sam.mcgrath on

Cross country has a meet here at Salem Junior High today at 3:30. Come out and support our kids as they represent our school. If any students are interested in cross country they can still join. 

Madeline Fifita

Girls tennis has begun

Submitted by sam.mcgrath on

The Spartans girls team opened the season against tennis powerhouse Spanish Fork on Sept 14.  Megan Turner and Ruby Brockbank turned in a nice win at varsity second doubles, and Emilee Nicholls won a nail biter tie break match at JV 1st JV singles. 

Otherwise, Spanish Fork controlled the matches.  Still, it was a good start for the lady Spartans except for an injury to Ashlyn Westwood, who rolled her ankle during a doubles match.  She will be out of action for a couple of weeks.

Reggie Bell

Golf Team Tournament and Spanish Oaks

Submitted by sam.mcgrath on

On Tuesday, September 12th, the Salem Jr. High golf team had their 2nd meet at spanish oaks.  Here are our top 4 scores,

  • Logan Blanchard with 43,
  • Jordan Hartvigsen with 45,
  • Ty Johnson with 46,
  • Jarrett Parkinson with 47.

Head Coach Adam Roberts commented that they played good, but they left a couple of strokes out there. He believes that the best is yet to come.

Erica Murdock

Cave Painting in Drawing Class

Submitted by sam.mcgrath on

In Mr. Shaffer's Drawing class they blacked out the classroom and turned it into a makeshift cave. They also discussed the history of drawing and communication.

Mr. Shaffer is always thinking of great ways to engage kids in class and to make art a great experience for everyone. This is just one example of the many awesome experiences in his classes.