Change in 7th Grade Day

Submitted by neely.mcewan on

With the feedback we have received about the eclipse starting when our Seventh Grade Day is ending, we have decided to move up Seventh Grade Day to 8:30 a.m. and end at 10:45 a.m. Buses in the  morning will now only be 30 minutes later than the normal school day and will leave the school by 11:00 a.m. We hope this helps alleviate the conflict between the two events.

SaJHS takes 2nd and 3rd place at District Poetry slam

Submitted by sam.mcgrath on

Annaliese Eddington, 9th grade, took 2nd place and Olivia Christiansen, 8th grade, took 3rd in our district's annual poetry slam last night at Salem High School. The night's poems were divided into two categories: Original and Recetation. Annaliese and Olivia were in the Original category. Annaliese wrote and performed a poem called "Someday" and Olivia wrote and performed "My Journal."

Another student, Marian Smith recieved an honorable mention for her recitation of a poem called "Slow Dance" which she signed as she recited the poem.

Students of the Month for May 2017

Submitted by sam.mcgrath on

We have officially announced the last group for our Students of the Month. Congratulate these students when you get the chance. They have been working hard and are staying strong until the end of the school year.

7th Grade: Alexandria Goodman and Kyle Campbell

8th Grade: Jaydee Jorgensen, Brayden Adamson

9th Grade: Jill Ashcraft, Xander Griggs

Finalists from the 2017 Poetry Slam

Submitted by sam.mcgrath on

Today, 60 students met in front of their peers and parents to perform poems for our annual poetry slam. And they were great. Some poems were from famous poets and some were poems that the students themselves have written. This was a great year for the poetry slam and the contestants all did an amazing job, not only reciting a memorized poem, but performing it as well.

English Students Create Poetry

Submitted by sam.mcgrath on

Our students have been learning the art of poetry and how to use and indentify figurative language. Probably the most difficult thing about poetry is the ability to express a lot of meaning in few words. One subgenre of poetry that our students have learned about this  year is Blackout Poetry.

New 4H Club: Board games, Fridays after school

Submitted by sam.mcgrath on

There is a new 4H club happening here at SaJHS. The club will be playing board games every Friday after school, and since it won't be the full 10 weeks that a 4H club usually lasts, there is no fee to sign up. Inspired by the 4H club, Andrew Oblad decided to rank his top 10 all-time favorite board games and card games.

In celebration of the new 4-H board game club announced this week, I have decided to make a list of the 10 best board games. Card games are included. Enjoy!

Andrew Oblad

9th grade students learn from Salem EMT's

Submitted by sam.mcgrath on

Ms James's class had EMT's visit her class today. The students learned about choking and basic first aid. This is the beginning of a CPR certification course that Ms. James will be doing with her students. Ms. James always has great opportunities for her students to learn fun and interesting lessons that are very relevant to students' lives. 

KyLynn James