February 2020

Band Concert at Salem Hills High

Submitted by sam.mcgrath on

On Wednesday, February 19th, the concert band and advanced percussion students performed at Salem Hills High School alongside the Salem Hills High concert band in a combined concert. Students are preparing for a festival at the University of Utah on March 6th.

Daniel Stolworthy

February Students of the Month

Submitted by neely.mcewan on

We are happy to announce our February Students of the Month! These students were nominated by faculty and staff for being a Spartan in Body, Heart, and Mind and were honored at a breakfast with their parents on Feb. 3rd. Congratulations!

Back Row (left to right): Holly Anderson (9th), Mary-Gail Kemp (7th), Kimberly Rivera-Rawlinson (9th), Olivia Johnson (9th), Brynlie Nelson (8th), Alena Butler (9th)
Front Row (left to right): Andrew Ewell (9th), Mason Gosney (7th), Kojo Bird (8th), Kambrie Wilkinson (8th)

Decision for snow day will be announced at 6:30 A.M. the same day

Submitted by sam.mcgrath on
Dear Nebo Parents/Guardians & Employees:

If the storm proves to be as strong as predicted, Nebo School District schools will be closed all day tomorrow, Monday, February 3, 2020. However, a final decision regarding the closure of schools will NOT be made until 6:30 AM tomorrow morning.

Nebo will NOT be considering a two-hour delayed start tomorrow due to our Monday early out schedule.