SaJHS Orchestra Concert

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Thursday, December 20, was Salem Jr. High's first orchestra concert.  It was a spectacular show with amazing music.  The 7th, 8th, and 9th grade orchestras all performed, and they were also joined by the Salem Hills High orchestras.  The 7th grade opened up the show with three amazing songs.  The first song they played was "Up On a Housetop" followed by "Brandenburg Concerto No. 5", and they concluded their performance with the "Can Can."  The next group to play was the 8th grade orchestra.

Julia Critchfield and Mikela Marvin

SaJHS Wrestling

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         Our school’s wrestling team has done extremely well, especially considering that it’s only our first year. Every day after school our team has practice from right after school till five o’clock. The practices start with warm ups and agilities for about ten minutes, then we drill for another ten. Once all of that is over with, the coaches teach us our moves for the day. This will typically take up the remainder of the practice. The final ten to fifteen minutes are filled with constant conditioning.

Kyle Larsen and Seth Wride

SaJHS Auditions for Annie the Musical

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This year for the school musical the directors, Mrs. Brooksby and Mrs. Stubbs, have decided to put on the production of “Annie.” Students were trying to keep their grades up all December so they would have a better shot at getting a part in the musical. Auditioners were practicing for days to get the song they chose to preform just right for the judges and directors.

Jackson Badger

SaJHS Band Concert

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On Tuesday, December 18, 2012, Mr. Stolworthy put together an arrangement of band groups together for a big performance. The beginning band started it off with five great pieces, featuring the brass, wind, and percussion instruments.
The percussionists blew in with relaxing “Seaside Stroll” and performed a spectacular rendition of “Carol of The Bells”. Not to be out done, the jazz band played “All of Me” and other wonderful and exciting songs.

Ethan Mayfield and Paris Pray

SaJHS Christmas Concert

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On Thursday, December 13, 2012, the Salem Jr. High School choir department put on an amazing performance. They had worked for two months on preparing their songs for this performance. Each choir group put on three songs, with two combined advanced group songs, and one combined with everyone.

Bailey Holdaway and Abby Workman

SHHS Choir Performs at SaJHS

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On Tuesday, December 18, 2012 during school we had a great assembly. The choir from SalemHills High School arrived and sang for us. Our own choir sang as well, and they both did a greatjob. They sang many Christmas songs that helped the school get ready for Christmas.

“I didn’t hear any mistakes.” said one of the students.

“I only wish it was longer.” said another.

Grant Gunderson & Braxton Adams

SaJHS Principal Awarded Utah Middle-Level Principal of the Year

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Earlier this year, our principal, Mrs. Kimball won a state award. She was nominated by the administrators for the title of Middle-Level Principal of the Year! (“Middle-Level” meaning the Jr. High level.) She was rewarded with a Snoopy trophy and a trip to Washington D.C. with her husband. All of the award winning principals from every state were there, too.While she was in D.C., she and her husband met with Utah’s senators, Orrin Hatch and Mike Lee to discuss education in Utah.

Kai Hendry & Abby Hullinger