Our Choir ROCKS!

Submitted by maria.ruiz on

Our school choirs performed at the "Fall Pops Concert" on Monday, October 21st. The choirs performed many songs, including Bohemian Rhapsody and Radioactive.  Visit http://youtu.be/Js-FyK_l2UA to view their final number.  All 238 students (all 4 choirs combined) were on stage. 

Rachel Brooksby and Brad Dayton


Submitted by maria.ruiz on

VOTE online at www.utahcountyhealth.org/radoncontest
Salem Junior High has 27 art students participating in a poster contest advertising the dangers of radon, a radioactive gas that can be found in homes.  (If you want to vote for one of our students, they are entries: 102, 170, 191, 192, 195, 201, 227, 264, 266, 277, 278, 279, 280, 301, 302, 315, 316, 317, 319, 388, 389, 390, 419, 439, 440, 450, 451.) 

Lisa Magnusson

September students of the month recognized

Submitted by amy.huhtala on

Two students from each grade are recognized each month for being outstanding students. Students of the month are nominated by teachers during the last week of every month. Students are recognized with a certificate, a letter sent home with quotes about the student's exceptional behavior and academic progress, a small treat, and a vinyl sticker. Congratulations September Students of the Month! (Back row left to right) Jacob Rolfe, 8; Garrison Barnes, 9; Katherine Clare, 8 (Front row left to right) Finlay Lofthouse,7; Rachel Harb, 9; Nikki Taylor, 7

Welcome Back to School!

Submitted by jolynn.ford on

Welcome back to school and a special welcome to all of our new students!!

We are looking forward to an exciting new year at Salem Junior High School!

On Aug 29 we will have an Ice Cream Social provided by the PTA from 6:00 - 7:00 pm. Please come and bring your families! 

We will have our first dance also on Aug 29 from 7:00 - 9:00 pm. This is sponsored by the Student Council and there will be no charge for this dance. Come and have a great time! (Please remember that the dress code for dances is the same as the dress code for school.)

SaJHS Time Capsule

Submitted by jolynn.ford on

On the last day of school, May 24, we placed a time capsule in the front of the school. The Student Council did a fantastic job organizing this activity. They placed various items in the time capsule including a yearbook that many students signed, the ribbon from the Ribbon Cutting ceremony, and other items from our first year. The time capsule will be opened in 25 years!! Hopefully, many of the students will be able to return to see the opening!