National School Breakfast Week

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On Tuesday March 4, for National School Breakfast Week, the cafeteria staff are offering the staff and the students a free breakfast. You will be able to choose breakfast pizza, or pop tart and cereal, with your choice of milk, also fresh strawberries and blueberries. They will begin serving at 7:00.

SaJHS students featured in Provo's Daily Herald

Submitted by amy.huhtala on

Read more about Aidan Dayton, 9th grader, and Ashton Grogg, 7th grader in a Daily Herald article titled Two budding Olympic-grade athletes attending Salem Junior High. Here is the link:

Amy Huhtala

Join one of the largest and best Nebo District Track Teams!

Submitted by amy.huhtala on

Track and Field is quickly approaching at SaJHS. Coach Blanchard and the assistant coaches are excited to help the SaJHS team be even bigger and more successful than last year. The SaJHS girls track team won the district title for the 2012-13 school year.

After school practices for SaJHS track and field begin March 12th at 3 to 4:30 p.m. Track meets are on Friday afternoons. 

Jordan Blanchard

SaJHS student is nationally-ranked snowboarder

Submitted by amy.huhtala on

Ashton Grogg, 7th grader, is a United States Snowboard Association (USASA) nationally- ranked athlete. Grogg is currently ranked 27 in the Giant Slalom and 29 in the Slalom in his age group. Grogg eats, sleeps, and breathes snowboarding. "It's one of the best feelings in the world," Grogg stated. "Most people ask me if it is hard and it is, but if you get the hang of it is the most fun thing you'll ever do!"

Snowboarding is something Ashton shares with his father, Aries Grogg. Aries Grogg is ranked first in both Giant Slalom and Slalom in his age group. 

Amy Huhtala, Ashton Grogg

SaJHS takes 2nd District Title

Submitted by amy.huhtala on

The boys basketball team came home as District Champions by beating Spanish Fork by a score of 52 to 47. They represented the school well! Thank you for all those you came and supported the team.

The SaJHS boys fought hard to get to the championship game by shutting down Diamond Fork on Tuesday night's game in overtime. Right before the buzzer Salem hit a 3-pointer winning the game 57-56. 

This makes the 2nd District Championship Title for the Salem Junior High Boys. 

Sheldon Hatch & Amy Huhtala

SaJHS student named regional Reflections winner

Submitted by amy.huhtala on


Jonathon Tullis was just named the Regional Reflections winner in the Visual Arts category in the Middle class.He was also the District winner previously in this category as well. He was told he is now going onto State in the visual arts category and they will be announcing the winners sometime in April. 


Ken Tullis

Ninth grader Aidan Dayton selected for USA Olympic Development Team

Submitted by amy.huhtala on

Ninth grader Aidan Dayton has made the national olympic development program (ODP) all-star team in soccer. He competed with hundreds in Utah to make the Utah ODP team, then competed with over 200 boys in Oregon to make the western region team and finally competed in late December with 75 boys from all over the country to make the national team. Congratulations Aidan on this outstanding achievement!

Brad Dayton