Social Media Options at SaJHS

Submitted by amy.huhtala on

Do you ever feel like you don't know what's going on at SaJHS? Wish your students would share more about their school day? Get involved by following us on our social media outlets:


Track Facebook:

School Twitter Handle: @salemJrHigh

Track Twitter Handle: @saJHSt_f

Student Council Twitter Handle: @sajhscouncil14

Amy Huhtala

School Community Council Nominations Needed

Submitted by amy.huhtala on

SaJHS is looking for school community council nominations.  The nominations are due this Friday, May 8.  Elected members serve for two years and help with our school improvement plan and help make decisions for our school.  We're looking for anyone who is interested and willing. See Amy Haider in the main office if you are interested or have further questions. Image removed.

Amy Haider

SaJHS wins photo contest

Submitted by amy.huhtala on

We did it! Utah trust lands announced that our picture got the most likes so we get $1,000. That's how you get social media to work for you! Nice job everyone who helped and encouraged students and community members to like our pic. Our pic finished with nearly 1200 likes.

Jordan Blanchard

Help SaJHS win $1000!

Submitted by amy.huhtala on

Salem Junior High school is competing with other Utah schools to win extra Trust Lands Money for their school to use next year. You can help by liking a post on Instagram. 

Here's how:

Go to your instagram account

Search for SaJHS's track and field instagram account @sajhst_f

"Like" the science class picture of Mr. Mitchell by clicking on the heart directly beneath the photo

The school with the most likes will win an extra $1000 in Trust Lands Money. There will also be a $1000 prize awarded to the judges favorite picture. 


Jordan Blanchard

Band Movie Day

Submitted by amy.huhtala on

On Saturday April 18th the band had a free movie day at Spanish Fork Water Gardens movie theater with over 180 students, parents, and friends in attendance! Two movie theater auditoriums were reserved for band members and their friends and family to enjoy a free movie and free popcorn. Several incoming band students attended as well and look forward to being to be part of the Salem Jr. High band next school year. Make sure to join band so you don't miss out on the free movie day next year!

Daniel Stolworthy

Student Artwork Needed!

Submitted by amy.huhtala on

We have an awesome opportunity to showcase student artwork.  In May, there will be an art show featuring artwork from all the junior high schools in our district.  We are looking for awesome pieces to represent our school.  Students, if you are interested in participating, bring an artwork that you made this school year to Ms.

Lisa Magnusson

Huhtala's students create Camp Half Blood!

Submitted by amy.huhtala on

The 7th graders are reading "The Lightning Thief" and Mrs. Huhtala's and Mr. Brook's 5th and 6th period classes have turned Room 117 into Camp Half Blood. Every year, students in Room 117 compete to be the winners of the Cabin Wars by doing well as a group. Each student has been "named" a demi god from one of the following gods or goddesses: Athena, Ares, Poseidon, Demeter, Apollo, and Zeus. This coming Wednesday, students will compete in their first olympian quest. More pictures of Camp Half Blood will be posted through out Term 4.

Amy Huhtala

Band students score well at district assessment

Submitted by amy.huhtala on

On Tuesday, March 10, our school concert band (8th and 9th graders) performed for a district assessment where all 7 schools in the district perform and are given a rating on a 1-5 scale: 1 is the highest and 5 is the lowest. Our students performed the best they have all year and received a rating of 1-, just under the highest rating possible. You can be very proud of the band students at Salem Jr. They are making excellent music!

Daniel Stolworthy