Halloween Candy Mystery

Submitted by amy.huhtala on

Students were able to look at the jar and guess how much candy they thought was in there.Winner: Calvin MarksHe guessed the exact amount in the jar. 390.We'll be doing contests like this randomly throughout the year.

Kristen Williams

The Martian Movie Review

Submitted by amy.huhtala on

The Martian was an excellent movie with suspense and epic dramatic effects. I loved it and it brought an awesome feeling into the theater. The story was well brought across and had lots of action. It was one of the best movies of the summer.

It is a good movie, but it might not be for everyone. It’s rated PG-13 and uses some intense language. Other than that, the movie is pretty clean. It came out Oct. 2 and according to Wikipedia, it has grossed $384.7 million worldwide.

Zach Hunter

SaJHS librarians are the best

Submitted by amy.huhtala on

Mrs. Hales is currently one of the librarians at Salem Junior High. The main reason she chose this job is because she loves reading and working with the students that come to the library.  Before working as a librarian Mrs. Hales was a teacher at Springville Junior High.  In her spare time she likes to read, write, barrell race, and spend time with her twins Hank and Harper.   Her dream vacation would be in Hawaii and her favorite color is purple.

Laura Johnson

Spanish Class- Editorial

Submitted by amy.huhtala on


I will be writing my article about the Spanish class here at Salem Junior High. The spanish teacher is Senor Brandon. I feel half of the reason so many people sign up for his classes is because he makes it so fun. Besides his love of Mtn. Dew he also has a love for teaching and Spanish. I have learned a lot so far in his class. He is a great teacher and in the class you learn a lot. You get to watch great videos like Billy La Bufanda.

Jacob Shallenberger

Boys & Girls- Be in the Know

Submitted by amy.huhtala on

There is a lot of dislikes and likes about girls and boys. I’ve went around and asked students about what they like and dislike about their opposite gender. Here is what we got.

 DISLIKES about Boys

  • When they wear basketball shorts

  • Clueless

  • When they make fun of you

  • Axe spray smells weird

Peyton Bowden

9th grade history students hunt for information

Submitted by amy.huhtala on

Mrs. Van De Graaff's ninth honors classes completed a pilgrimage of their own in their quest to learn the 5 Pillars of Islam. Just as the fifth pillar of Islam asks Muslims to pilgrimage to Mecca, students journeyed through school grounds learning the 5 pillars of Islam at five different locations. They competed in groups to see who could complete the hunt for cultural knowledge first!

Mrs. Van De Graaf

Jazz Band

Submitted by amy.huhtala on

Jazz Band is an extracurricular activity. It is on Monday Wednesday and Fridays.

It starts at 7 a.m. Before school and ends before school starts.

Any one in in concert or symphonic band can join. Come and have fun with people and play your favorite people. It’s super fun play your favorite songs. Talk to Mr. Stolworthy to see if you can join. The band needs more trumpets.

Bridger Hall & Brandon May

Choir Concert

Submitted by amy.huhtala on


“Choir is a Blast!”says Seth Miller. It is a great way to spend your time. The concerts are about every term. We just had the choir concert on Tuesday, October 20th. It went great, and all the choirs did a great job. We had a full house!

If you haven’t been in choir, go talk to Mrs. Brooksby for auditions. If you don’t make any advanced choir, that's okay. You will be put in chorus 1. There are 4 choices of choirs. Chamber choir, Women's chorus, Concert choir, and Chorus 1.



Bridger Hall & Brandon May