McKenzie Graham and the Make it With Wool Competition

Submitted by amy.huhtala on


This week I interviewed McKenzie Graham, who loves tennis, swimming, art, and going to Disneyland. I talked to McKenzie about the ‘Make it with Wool Competition’ and how she did. The ‘Make it with Wool Competition’ is where you make clothes out of wool and show it off. The objectives of this competition are to ‘encourage personal creativity in sewing, knitting, and crocheting with wool fabrics and yarns’. Also To promote the beauty and versatility of wool fabrics and yarns’.

Leah Adams

See the Good

Submitted by amy.huhtala on

It is super important to have a good perspective on things.  Having a good perspective on things is really simple. It is up to you to chose to have a good perspective and it will also determine your attitude on things. We have a really good school at Salem Junior High but it I think we are lacking in having a good perspective on things.

Annica Frandsen

Who's been caught Reading?

Submitted by amy.huhtala on

I chose two random teachers and went and asked them who in their classes had been reading and these are the students they gave me

  • Jessie Christensen

  • Emilia Andrus

  • Andrew Oblad

  • Emily Jacobsen

  • Brooklyn Carter

  • Sandy Wilkie

Keep reading!!!!!


Emilee Chestnut

Intramural Fitness: A Great Way to Have Fun and Get in Shape

Submitted by amy.huhtala on

Your muscles are burning.  You feel sweat run down your face.  Adrenaline rushes through your body.  Your friends joke around while they wait to use a machine.  You are at Intramural Fitness.  

Held every day after school in February, Intramural Fitness is a great after-school activity offered at Salem Jr. High.  It only goes until 4:00, so there is still plenty of time to get things done afterwards.    

Tyler Caldwell

Batman vs. Spiderman: Who would win?

Submitted by amy.huhtala on


I decided to write an article about what Superhero out of Spiderman and Batman was better. So I went around the school and I asked 2 seventh graders, which superhero was better? I keeped it even and asked one girl and one boy. The boy said Batman because he has a dope car. and he is actually strong and doesn’t use fake powers to win fight he just uses muscles. The girl said Batman too because she thinks that he is hot and really strong and would keep you safe if he had to.

Kolton Christensen

New Front Office Secretary at Salem Junior

Submitted by amy.huhtala on

As many people may know, our office has been switching around jobs and positions. Mrs. Cook, the finance secretary, took a leave of absence for an LDS mission. Christine Beardall took over the finance office, and Mrs. Lundell replaced Mrs. Beardall as the attendance secretary. The new secretary that replaced Mrs. Lundell in her old job started last week, and name is Heather Obray. 

Shaylee Obray