Lagoon- More than just a field trip

Submitted by amy.huhtala on


Annually, our school has the privilege of spending a day at Lagoon. Lagoon is an amusement park, and the trip takes place Wednesday, May 18th. There is many eligibility requirements, fees and other information that you will be able to find in the SaJHS Newsletter in April.

Lily Christensen

An Inside Look at SaJHS Tennis

Submitted by amy.huhtala on

 It was a hot and breezy day on Salem Junior High School’s tennis courts.  Matches were about to commence, taking place on Tuesday, April 19 of 2016 at 3:30.  Booker Ward (Salem Junior High’s varsity first singles player and eighth grade student) faced Hudson Ronie (Mapleton Junior High’s varsity first singles player) in a match.  To get off on the right foot they began with a nice and long warmup.

Summer Wilde

Renowned music teachers praise SaJHS band

Submitted by amy.huhtala on

The 8th and 9th grade band students traveled to Snow College on April 19 and performed in a festival judged by John Miller and Paul Watson, both renowned music educators in Utah. Students were also able to perform with the Snow College Wind Ensemble directed by Dr. David Fullmer. The festival was not rated, however, the judges had great things to say about our Salem Jr.

Daniel Stolworthy

Teacher Spotlight- Mr. Winget

Submitted by amy.huhtala on

We have some amazing teachers at our school who dedicate each and every day to ensure that we have a great future. But have you ever wondered who teachers are outside of school? I interviewed Mr. Winget, a seventh and eighth grade history teacher, about his life and he had some pretty great stories to tell us!

Shaylee Obray

Celebrities are at SaJHS!

Submitted by amy.huhtala on

Not the kind of celebrities you are thinking of.... but our students are Rock Stars! Today is the first day of Sage testing in ELA, Math, and Science. Here at SaJHS, we recognize how difficult and time consuming those tests are so we wanted to help our students feel special and successful by walking in to the school today on the red carpet with teachers and staff cheering them on. Students and staff also received free breakfast from the school cafeteria. Thanks Lunch Ladies! SaJHS students are going to rock the Sage!

Amy Huhtala