The next Choir performance is gonna knock your socks off!

Submitted by sam.mcgrath on

All the choir students have been working hard in class, and outside of class to get their songs ready! The choir has usually only one concert a term, but this term some of the choirs have more than one performance!  There are 5 wonderful choirs at our school, Chamber, Women’s Choirs (both are auditioned choirs,) Concert Choir, and last but not least Chorus One Men’s Chorus, and Women’s Chorus.

Megan Mayo

So many things happening here at SaJHS

Submitted by sam.mcgrath on

What’s going on around the school? Well, there’s been a lot going on since the end of the year is coming up! We lately have had our school talent show and we have had a lot of tryouts for 9th graders! Sage testing is coming up along with all the activities going on.

Tryout Season:

We have lots of tryouts for the 9th graders who are moving on to high school. There are tryouts for soccer, baseball, softball, cheer, drill team and more!

At the Jr. High there are tennis tryouts for the boys.


Sydni Clem

Students show us their genius in this year's talent show

Submitted by sam.mcgrath on

March 6 might have been a short day here at SaJHS, but it had big moments during our annual talent show. I think that the talen show sponsored by our student counsel is probably my favorite assembly we do here at SaJHS. So many of our students have amazing skills that they don't always get the chance to share here at school. How often do we let kids pogo-stick around the halls between classes for example? The talent show is one day where students can show us their genius and show off in front of their peers. Let me say that these students do not disappoint. 

Discovering DNA

Submitted by sam.mcgrath on

Students in biology class have been learning about genetics and DNA recently. In order to help her students understand the concepts like the double helix structure and base pairing, Mrs. Roberts has them building model DNA. They can choose the sequence, but the model is structured so that the chemicals can only be paired correctly. This is a great hands-on learning activity and just one example of the awesome things being done at our school on a regular basis.

6th Graders Visit SaJHS

Submitted by sam.mcgrath on

9:oo Monday morning several buses rolled past my windows and unloaded next year's 7th grade class. They came out laughing and joking, looking around wide-eyed and pointing around as they took in their new school for the next several years. Obviously were excited to come the the junior high to check out the school and learn about classes and activities that they will get to try next year when they become junior high students. 

History with Mr. Winget

Submitted by sam.mcgrath on

If you’ve ever heard of Mr. Winget, then you know he is one of the greatest teachers here at Salem Jr High. Mr. Winget brings fun, easy, and safe activities to his classroom in order to make learning a little easier and fun.  On the other hand while Mr. Winget may be fun, he also doesn’t tolerate bad behavior, so it’s up to the students to have fun in his class as well.

Cassie Haight