UCHD & E-Cigs

Submitted by neely.mcewan on

The Utah County Health Department will have representatives at our Spartan Target Conferences on Thursday, February 7. They will have an information table from 3:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. to give parents helpful information about e-cigarettes.

There will also be a presentation in the library at 3:30 p.m. and 7:20 p.m.

Please plan to attend and get the important information to help our/your students.

Student of the month for February

Submitted by sam.mcgrath on

Congratulations to our February SaJHS "Students of the Month." They were recognized at a breakfast with their parents and teachers. We are proud of these students for being "Spartan Strong" in Body, Heart, and Mind!

Hanna Hathaway 8th, Nate Jordan 9th, Cooper Nelson 7th, Cole Hartline 8th, Eloise Brown 8th, Makenzi Matheson 9th, Sydnee Nicholls 7th, Avarie Dain 7th

7th Grade Job Shadow Day

Submitted by neely.mcewan on

Have you ever wondered what job shadowing is or wished you could job shadow someone? We are excited that our 7th graders have this opportunity on Friday, February 8.

Each 7th grader should have received the paperwork in their College and Career Awareness class. This needs to be returned to your teacher. If you need a paper please see your College and Career Awareness teacher.  Job Shadow is a great way to get a career experience!

Spring Sports Information Meeting

Submitted by neely.mcewan on

Are you a Salem Jr High School student? Are you interested in Spring sports, which include Boys Tennis, Girls Golf, and Track? If so, you are just in time. You are invited to attend an informational meeting next week on February 7th at 4:00 p.m.  This is the same day as Spartan Target Comferences so come to the meeting and then take your parent(s) to your advisory class for your conference.


Stem Club: Breaking the Code

Submitted by sam.mcgrath on

Stem Club is starting today after school and will focus on Code Breaking and will run every Wednesday at 3:00. Each different session will have a different focus on activities that use STEM related skills and concepts. Some potential classes that might be taught are 3D printing, Drones, Scratch and so on. 

Mrs. Palestino will be teaching the course in her classroom in room 111. The fee for the club is only $10 which you or your student can pay at the financial office. This will be a great club that will develop skills that are highly sought after in STEM related fields.

Cave Art with Mr. Shaffer

Submitted by sam.mcgrath on

Students in Drawing 1 today had a hands-on lesson about the history of drawing and the purpose it has always served people. The goal of the lesson is to demonstrate the important role that art and drawing have played in human history. This is a foundational lesson that Mr. Shaffer uses to set the tone and expectation for his new classes this semester. Kids get to have fun and learn something new while exercising their creativity.

S.E.L.F.I.E. Week at SaJHS

Submitted by sam.mcgrath on

Last Thursday, students here at SaJHS had a special speaker come to our school to talk to them about mental health and the importance of stepping away from their phones and making real connections with people. He encouraged them to talk to people and interact with their peers more often. In support of that, our counseling office organized a campaign for this week called Take a SELFIE. 

January Students of the Month

Submitted by sam.mcgrath on

Congratulations to our January SaJHS "Students of the Month." They are Gabriel McDaniel (8th), Ruthie Devenport (8th), Summer Ovard (9th), Mia Kindrick (8th), Zoey Spencer (8th), Stephen Strong (9th), and Gavin Johnson (7th)

They will be recognized at a breakfast with their parents and teachers. We are proud of these students for being "Spartan Strong" in Body, Heart, and Mind!

Cecily Yeager