Battle of the Books

Submitted by neely.mcewan on

Last week we wrapped up our 2021 Salem Jr. High Battle of the Books Competition. Battle of the Books is a voluntary reading incentive program for students. The purpose is simply to encourage students to read good books and have fun while competing with peers. In September, students formed teams of 5 or 6 students. Each team member chose 3 to 4 books to read from a list of 20. On Wednesday, February 24, 2021 twelve teams from our school came together for a game show style tournament where they worked as a team to answer questions about the books on the list.

March Students of the Month

Submitted by neely.mcewan on

Congratulations to our March Students of the Month! These students were nominated by faculty and staff for being a Spartan in Body, Heart, and Mind. Way to go, Spartans!

Left to Right: Ty Webster, Isaac Cabral, Chelsea Mower, Kenadee Hanks; Single Picture: Tanner Grant

Spartan News - 02/23/2021

Submitted by neely.mcewan on

Student Chromebooks Charged and Ready: Students need to bring their chromebooks to class charged each day. While teachers have a few for students to use, they are running out of them quickly when several students either forgot their chromebook at home or their chromebook is not charged. We don't want students to fall behind because they don't have their chromebook. If your student has lost their charger they are available to purchase from Mrs. Teucher. 


Stakeholder Survey

Submitted by neely.mcewan on

Celebrate the good work happening in our schools and help us identify areas where we can improve by completing this anonymous survey. Answers containing crude comments, vulgar language, or personal attacks are more of a reflection on the person writing the comments than the teacher. Those comments will never be seen. Please give specifics and focus your comments on how we are doing or how we can improve. Here is the link.

Spartan News - 02/02/2021

Submitted by neely.mcewan on

9th Grade Registration: It's time to start the registration process for the 2021-22 school year.  Next week we will start registration for our current 8th graders during their math class.  Parents and students will be doing registration online through I-Campus so be watching for the paperwork and instructions to come home with your student next week.  


Stronger Families Project

Submitted by neely.mcewan on

The Stronger Families Project provides virtual family classes to the community focusing on building the strengths and resiliencies that each family already has, and improving their daily family life. The classes focus on such topics as communication, positive discipline, problem solving, bonding, and establishing family values and rituals.

February Students of the Month

Submitted by neely.mcewan on

We are happy to announce our February Students of the Month! These students were nominated by faculty and staff for being a Spartan in Body, Heart, and Mind. Congratulations Spartans!

Left to Right Back Row: Nathan Swinford (9th), Kate Stratton (8th), Jaiden VanHorn, (9th), Hailey Nelson, (8th); Left to Right Front Row: Rylee Judd (9th), Isaac Peterson (8th), CeJay Murdoch (8th), Ryan Call (9th)