Football Band Night

Submitted by neely.mcewan on

On Friday October 1st, the Salem Jr. High band joined the Salem Hills High School marching band for a night of fun at the high school football game. Students rehearsed with the high school band, enjoyed pizza before the game, and performed the National Anthem and 2 pep band tunes in the stands. It was also a highlight of the night to see the high school marching band perform their award winning field show. The football band night is always a highlight of the Fall season for the band and percussion students at Salem Jr. High!

SaJHS News 10/05

Submitted by neely.mcewan on

Girls Softball Open Gym: Girls softball open gym is being held Wednesdays and Thursdays from 4:30 - 6:00 in Salem Hills High School gym.  This is for all 9th grade girls.

Boys Basketball: If you have questions about boys basketball please contact coach Boyer @ brian.boyer [at] (brian[dot]boyer[at]nebo[dot]edu) Tryouts will be held November 10th.


SaJHS News 9/28

Submitted by neely.mcewan on

Everyday Strong: United Way has collaborated with a group of experts on anxiety, depression, and psychological well-being to develop these activities for you. The EveryDay Strong panel of experts includes medical professionals, educators, social workers, and mental health specialists.


October Students of the Month

Submitted by neely.mcewan on

Congratulations to our October Students of the Month! These students were nominated by faculty and staff for being a Spartan in Body, Heart, and Mind. Way to go, Spartans!

Left to Right: Oliver Larsen, Asher Mecham, Nolan McNaughtan, Megan Davis, Sidney Eliot, Kalala Centeno, Luis, Ruelaz