Salem Junior Shakespeare Team

Submitted by sam.mcgrath on
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Some of you may not be aware of this, but our school has an excellent Shakespeare performing team. Every year, students on the team learn about at least one of Shakespeare's famous plays. They study it and learn the meaning of the lines and then rehearse monologues and scenes from the play.

This requires dedication as these students need to come into school even a little during the summer in order to have their performances ready in time for the Shakespeare Festival in Cedar City in October. Once school starts, they stay after school and rehearse as well. All in preparation for the competitions they will be involved in down in Cedar City.

Not every student does the same thing on the team. Some students perform monologues and some are in ensembles and several do both. Not all students are actors either and some kids go down to compete as technical crew, competing in challenges of setting up stages and doing all of the behind the scenes work that is so necessary for plays to be successful.

This year, students studied and performed scenes from The Life and Death of Richard the III they also had the opportunity to watch a production of Hamlet, one of Shakespeare's most famous plays.

Shakespeare club is always on the lookout for new members, so if you have a student who will be in 8t or 9th grade next year, have them talk to the club's advisor Mrs. Ashworth to learn how they can be a part of the fun next year.